Season 4 | Merchants of the Wild

Season 4

Episode 1 - Reconnection
Six Indigenous strangers must survive in the wild like their ancestors, reconnecting to an older way of life and a nearly-lost culture.
Episode 2 - Water
Breaking camp and travelling across the lands of the Mi’kmaq for the first time, the group is relieved to find a gift of birch bark canoes from Elders. The first paddle is taxing as they challenge themselves on the water and learn to work together.
Episode 3 - Weir
The inexperienced group struggles to find food, but after braving a long paddle across the lake, they are gifted a weir by Elder Jerome. Jennifer learns how to prepare her first catch and enjoys her first traditional meal, reconnecting to her heritage.
Episode 4 - Leather
Days of torrential rain and hunger batter the group’s mental and emotional resolve. When Joseph and Aaron clash about workloads, the guidance of a local Elder reminds everyone why they are on the journey.
Episode 5 - BirdBox
The healing power of his time on the land is profound for Aaron, who reflects on the reasons that inspired him to take on this adventure. Crystal and Ethan are becoming close friends through their struggles and look to make the most of their time together.
Episode 6 - Waltes
Mounting pressure causes tempers to flare, forcing Joseph to break away from the group. With a chance for the group to reflect, and with the introduction of a fun new game by two Elders, the adventurers find their way back together.
Episode 7 - Medicines
After days of losing weight and her body growing weak, Britt is forced to make an emotional decision to leave camp and seek medical attention. She leaves the other adventurers behind, unsure if she will return to finish the journey they all started together.
Episode 8 - Reunited
When Britt returns to camp in good health, the group is excited and determined to finish the journey strong and united. Crystal creatively uses the gift of eel leather and Jennifer overcomes her uneasiness over hunting wild game.
Episode 9 - Expedition
Back amongst the others, Britt wants to provide for her friends and invites Ethan to help her create their own hunting camp deeper in the bush. Using their new hunting tools and all their new skills, they hunt small game and make a camp by themselves.
Episode 10 - Spider and the Drum
A long paddle takes the group to a small island in the middle of the lake. Upon arriving at the new camp, Joseph scares the group with a giant spider, causing tensions to mount as they build their shelter.
Episode 11- Last Camps
After practicing with their bows and arrows, Joseph and Crystal paddle to a new spot to try hunting food for the group. With the final paddle approaching and the last days nearing, each teaching becomes more powerful for the adventurers.
Episode 12 - Luski
After a final traditional meal together, emotions wash over the adventurers as they take down their final shelter, say their goodbyes and paddle back home. They are changed forever and grateful for how far they have come.
Episode 13 - Together Again
In a special reunion episode hosted by Caleb Musgrave, the six adventurers come together to look back on their remarkable journey. They see themselves on screen for the first time, exploring the highs and lows and reflecting on how life has changed for them.