Episode 1- Fresh Starts
In search of a steady supply of dog food, Becky and family establish a “Fish Camp” on Great Slave Lake; Kim and Pierre work on a new shelter; and Bentley and new comer Jon Grenier attempt to secure essential sources of meat before winter sets in.

Episode 2- Seal the Deal
Becky and Dene make upgrades to their new homestead; Kim and Pierre look to the land for a source of emergency food; Bentley tries his hand at some early season trapping; and Jon takes to the sea in his on-going quest to pad his winter larder.

Episode 3- Hell or High Water
Becky struggles to secure a steady supply of winter water; Kim and Pierre turn their attention to harvesting big game; Jon looks to the land for some much-needed supplies; Bentley cruises the waters of Schade Lake – on the hunt for big haul of fish.

Episode 4- Trail Blazing
Kim and Pierre redouble their efforts to harvest a moose; Becky pushes herself to the limit for her dogs; Bentley and his father build a “summer” runway for their plane; and Jon and his two sons look to the past to help them build for their future.

Episode 5- Falling Behind
Becky teaches her 3-year-old daughter Thi how to mush; Jon tries to secure a supply of winter wood; Kim and Pierre begin their winter trapping season. Bentley and his father Gary brave sub-zero temperatures in a quest to catch some fish.

Episode 6- Best Laid Plans
Kim and Pierre’s trapline expansion encounters a troublesome local resident ; Jon and his wife Lally brave extreme arctic conditions to secure a supply of food; Bentley sets his sights on one the fiercest predators of the north.

Episode 7- Cold Harvest
Jon & his brother search a vast expanse of tundra for a herd of muskox; Kim & Pierre head deep into the bush ; Becky “winter trains” her dog team; A fresh dump of snow provides Bentley with an opportunity to transport much-needed supplies to a remote cabin.

Episode 8- Two Feet and a Heartbeat
Becky makes a last-ditch effort to harvest a Muskox; Kim and Pierre’s trap-line is threatened by an unwelcome guest; Bentley prepares a wolf hide for market; Jon “moves house” – arctic style!