Season 2 | First Contact

Season 2

Episode 1 — You Don’t Know Me Until You’ve Met Me
The six travelers embark on a life-changing 28-day journey into Indigenous communities across Canada. In Kanasatake, Quebec, they are exposed to new perspective about the Oka Siege. And in Natuasish, Labrador, time spent with the local Innu people sheds new light on its residents and history.

Episode 2 — Changing the Lens
The six participants travel south to Thunder Bay, where a number of tragic incidents have exposed racist attitudes towards Indigenous people. Then, a meeting with residential school survivors in southern Ontario shocks the participants.

Episode 3 — Bridging the Divide
Traveling to northern Saskatchewan, the six travelers face their biggest test yet as they meet with people from communities deeply affected by the death of Colten Boushie. Finally, the group travels to the Yukon, where self-governance is helping a community flourish.