Episode 1- The Missing Jackson Letter
The legend of Slumach’s Lost Gold Mine has a prospector, mountaineer and a truth-seeker searching for clues in Pitt Lake, British Columbia.

Episode 2- The Charnley Clues
The newly discovered testimony of an elderly Indigenous woman claims to know where Slumach found his gold! After returning from their glacier expedition empty-handed, a disturbing vision has Kru rattled and rethinking his approach.

Episode 3- The Search for Volcanic Brown
When legendary prospector Volcanic Brown went missing in the fall of 1931, rumors of his mysterious disappearance tied him to Slumach’s gold…and his curse.

Episode 4- The Prospector's Secret
In August of 1968, 71-year-old lost gold prospector Bernard Rover crawled on hands and knees through 10 miles of Pitt Lake wilderness in a 12-day fight for his life. His rescuers say when they found him, he was in shock, disoriented, dazed.

Episode 5- The Mystery of Terrarosa Gold
Kru finds a tape-recorded interview of a man who claims to have found Slumach’s motherlode, and out on the trail, Adam’s old rival appears to be a step ahead in his search for the gold.

Episode 6- The Troubling Tale of Bute Inlet Gold Part 1
Kru chases down a taped conversation with a man who claims to have found and walked away from Slumach’s billion-dollar gold deposit, while out on the trail, Adam must unite with an old rival in the search for the gold.

Episode 7- The Troubling Tale of Bute Inlet Gold Part 2
The search for the truth behind the Legend of Slumach has the team chasing leads in a Lost Gold murder mystery. While many have died in pursuit of his legendary riches, was one prospector 300 km away from Pitt Lake murdered for what he knew or what he found?

Episode 8- The Carter Map
More evidence that 1940s prospector Dick Carter was hot on Slumach’s trail emerges through a hidden map left for his grandchildren. Markings on the map lead the team back to Pitt Lake for one last attempt to find Slumach’s gold.